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Skin Care


Before & After Service 

Before Service

For any waxing service to be effective, the hair should be at least a ¼ inch long (about the length of a grain of rice), to allow the wax to grip around the hair. For first time clients that have been shaving, you must have at least 3 weeks of hair growth or more. Exfoliating or taking a warm bath before your wax service 24 or 48 hours before your service is recommended; as this will rid the area of any dead skin build up, will greatly reduce the chance for ingrown hairs, and will allow for easier and more thorough hair removal.

Do's and Dont's

  • Do shower before your appointment. In a pinch? Wet-wipes are a lifesaver!

  • Do inform me about any medications you are taking, such as antibiotics, Accutane, or topical creams, such as Retin-A, which can cause adverse reactions to certain individuals.

  • Do take Advil (Ibuprofen) 30-45 minutes before your service if you’re concerned about the potential for pain.

  • Do relax and breathe! The more relaxed you are, the better the waxing experience will be.

  • Do use a tampon during a bikini wax if “Aunt Flo” is visiting. Just be aware that you might be slightly more tender and sensitive during this time.

  • ​​Don’t drink coffee or consume alcohol before your service. Both can cause your pores to tighten, resulting in a more uncomfortable experience.

  • Don’t tan the area you plan to wax 24 to 48 hours before your appointment.

  • Don’t wax a new area for the first time right before a big event. You can’t always anticipate your skins reaction and you wouldn’t want to spoil an important day.

After Service

After any waxing service I recommend avoiding the following activities for at least 24 to 48 hours:

  • hot baths or showers (use lukewarm or cool water)

  • using the pool

  • tanning (including lying under the sun and tanning beds)

  • saunas

  • exfoliating the waxed area

  • heavy workouts

  • sex (if you had a bikini wax)

Abstaining from these activities for the recommended time will give your skin time to heal and allow hair follicles to close and prevent any further skin irritation.

Bikini Wax Aftercare Tips

Usually your wax will last from 3 to 4 weeks, but everyone’s rate of re-growth is different so results will vary between guests. The first bikini wax removes the majority of hair that has grown above the skin. Because hairs grow in different cycles, your subsequent waxes will remove the hairs that were still growing below the skins surface but have now sprouted above the skin. After a couple of wax services, so long as you stay on a schedule and don’t shave in between, all of your hairs should eventually grow in the same cycle, resulting in longer lasting smooth skin.

Possible Side Effects of Bikini Waxing and How to Treat Them


This will disappear over time. You can be red from a few minutes to a few days depending on your skin sensitivity and how your skin handles the wax. No Trauma Momma will help calm the skin.


Some bumps are a result of post wax irritation and will go away on their own within a few hours to a few days. Bumps are caused by an inflammation of the hair follicles called folliculitis and many times is easily confused as an acne breakout. To help calm your skin, you can use Get the Bump Outta Here.

Ingrown Hairs

An ingrown hair happens when the sharp tip of the hair curls back or grows sideways into the skin of the hair follicle. It usually appears as a small tan or sometimes pink bump under the skin. Sometimes, dead skin can clog up a hair follicle, than forces the hair inside it to grow sideways under the skin, rather than upward and outward.


Six Things That Will Cause Ingrown Hairs

  • Having naturally coarse or curly hair (Sorry, but yes, certain hair types are more prone to ingrown hair)

  • Using a dull razor when shaving

  • Wearing tight fitting clothes

  • Not changing out of your sweaty, damp workout clothes

  • Shaving or waxing in the wrong direction

  • Not exfoliating regularly after hair removal


To help prevent and treat ingrown hair, I recommend using Get the Bump Outta Here.

Itching After Waxing

I know it’s tempting, but try really, really hard not to scratch those freshly waxed areas. Because the skin will be new and sensitive, you must be careful not to cause further irritation by scratching. More commonly for others, itchiness will come 2 to 3 weeks after waxing; this is caused by the new hair breaking through the mouth of the follicle. Regular exfoliating of the skin to prevent the dead skin cells clogging the mouth of the follicle is the answer. You can use Scrub Me Luscious and an anti-histamine cream to relieve itching.



This is very common with shaving because when you shave; you are cutting the hair off at midshaft, which is the fattest part of the hair. So when it grows back it appears as though it’s thicker and darker. With waxing, it is also common to feel some stubble after the first couple of wax treatments due to the body’s natural hair growth cycles. The body has three different hair cycles, each lasting approximately 4 to 6 weeks; therefore it’s important to wax consistently every 4 weeks so you can get each hair cycle on its own waxing schedule. Over time you will find that your skin stays smoother for a greater length of time than when you started the waxing process. Please be aware that everyone’s body is different and therefore will have different results. If you have some stubble just go with the flow and allow these hairs to grow and we can remove them next time or you can tweeze, but I don’t recommend shaving as it can affect the re-growth texture and can cause ingrown hairs.


The force it takes to pull the hairs out from the roots can inflame the skin and your body responds to this as trauma, so your body’s immune system now kicks in and you start producing histamine.  Therefore, some people can get little whitehead pimples at the site of waxing, welts or hives, or rash-like little red bumps. You can alleviate this reaction by flushing out the skin: warm a washcloth by running hot tap water over it and apply to your skin for a few minutes and follow with No Trauma Momma.

Be Waxed Studio

Centennial Hills

Las Vegas, NV 89129

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